Renewable Energy | Pūngao Whakahou

Taranaki’s Energy Ā muri ake

At PRSL Taranaki, we don’t just work with renewable generation infrastructure; we connect the spark of progress. Our sought-after expertise allows us to seamlessly implement, connect, and maintain sustainable rongoā pūngao. As Aotearoa steers toward a greener future, our passion and expertise in renewable energy infrastructure aligns perfectly with government targets for decarbonisation and renewable energy.

We have a complete range of renewable energy services to ensure a better, more efficient heke mai for your home, business and region. Choose from our range of service options below. 

Hoahoa kōmaru me te Tāutanga

For property developers and landlords, by choosing solar, you can offer your clients the benefits of clean, renewable and affordable energy, while also reducing their carbon footprint and power bills.
Commercial & Industrial Solar

Te kōmaru o te Arumoni me te Kōmaru Mahi

Switching to solar energy for your commercial or industrial operations is not only good for the planet, but also provides efficiencies and opportunities to future proof for your business.

off grid systems

Ngā Pūnaha Hiko Off-Grid

Enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable and affordable energy from the sun, while also having a backup plan for when the sun isn’t shining.

Ngā Tāutanga Pāmu kōmaru

Our team of specialists is dedicated to renewable energy solutions. We’re proud to offer alternative electricity options at scale, contributing to a greener future.

Ngā Tāutanga o te Kōmaru Ā-Taiwhenua

Solar power can enable you to adopt new technologies that can improve your productivity and efficiency, such as herd management monitoring and automation systems.

Ngā Rongoā Pūngao whirinoa

Wind, sun and water. New Zealand has it in spades and we have the expertise and the technology to harness the power of the elements to power your property.

Get in Touch

The team at PSRL look forward to working with you.