Are you a farmer looking for a way to save money, protect your environment, and grow your business? At PRSL Taranaki, we are experts in solar power connection and installation for New Zealand farms. We can help you design, install, and maintain a solar power system that suits your needs and budget.
Solar power is not only good for the environment, but also good for your bottom line. Here are some of the benefits of solar power for your farm:
Solar power can provide you with a low-cost and reliable source of electricity that can offset your grid power and lower your power bills. You can also sell your excess power to the grid or to other consumers and earn extra income. With solar power, you can enjoy long-term price stability and avoid the volatility of the energy market.
Improve your environmental performance and meet your sustainability goals. Solar power can help you reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to New Zealand’s target of 100% renewable electricity generation by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050. Solar power can also help you improve your environmental reputation and meet the expectations of your customers and regulators.
Solar power can enable you to use your land for multiple purposes, such as grazing sheep under the solar panels or planting native vegetation around them. Solar power can also enhance the value and attractiveness of your land for future buyers or investors.
Solar power can enable you to adopt new technologies that can improve your productivity and efficiency, such as herd management monitoring and automation systems. Solar power can also open up new opportunities for innovation, such as developing energy hubs that combine solar power with other renewable sources, such as wind, hydro, or green hydrogen
Our team has fine-tuned our craft and continues to expand our knowledge. When you choose PRSL, you’re partnering with experts in rural solar installations, efficiently harnessing the abundant resources of the sun.
Let us help you grow your farm with the power of rural solar installations.